If you are interested to apply for Pre-Authorization (Visa/Master Card/AMEX /Discover) to be charged each month from your account), please fill out this form. Return completed form to the parish office or place it in the collection basket at Mass in a sealed envelope (for privacy). 

St. Helen`s School Parents & Future School Parents:

Even though you apply for Pre-Authorization, you still must have weekly Sunday envelopes. WHY? When you applied and were accepted into our School, stipulations were that you are practicing Catholic and must attend a certain number of weeks throughout the year. Yes, Pre-Authorization means that you are contributing to St. Helen`s Church, but does not necessary mean you are actually attending Mass. By dropping your empty Sunday envelope (clearly marked  “P/A” – pre-authorization) each Sunday into the collection basket, clearly indicates that you are and want to be part of our Parish Community.